Japan: Tackling Low Prices and Competitive Markets to Strengthen Premium Wine Distribution Channels

Challenge: Japan’s highly competitive wine market, dominated by Chilean wines distributed by large beverage conglomerates, presented significant obstacles to building premium wine brands. Price-sensitive consumers and established low-cost competitors made it difficult to penetrate the On Premise channels and specialty stores with higher-end products.

Action: The Route to Market strategy was revised to emphasize the development of premium distribution channels, focusing on high-end restaurants, specialty retailers, and partnerships with sommeliers. Efforts were directed at elevating the brand’s image and creating value through targeted premium positioning in select segments.

Results: The refined strategy resulted in enhanced brand equity and market penetration, particularly within On Premise and specialty retail channels. Despite the competitive landscape, premium wines gained traction, differentiating themselves from lower-cost competitors.


Canada: Overcoming Regulatory Challenges to Boost Premium Wine Market Penetration


China: E-Commerce and Market Shifts in the Route to Market for Premium Wines