Switzerland: Differentiating Premium Wines Across Specialized Stores and Supermarkets

Challenge: Switzerland’s wine market is characterized by stark differences between the premium wine segment in specialized stores and lower-cost wines dominating modern retail and supermarkets. The challenge was to create a Route to Market strategy that catered to both ends of the market without diluting the premium brand.

Action: A segmented Route to Market approach was implemented, tailoring distribution to meet the specific needs of each segment. Premium wines were positioned in specialized stores with a focus on exclusivity and heritage, while a competitively priced range was introduced in supermarkets to appeal to a broader audience.

Results: This strategy resulted in improved market penetration across both segments. The premium brand retained its value in high-end stores, while the promotion of entry-level range in supermarkets allowed the company to capture additional market share without compromising brand equity.


USA: Navigating the High-Cost Margins of the Three-Tier System in Premium Wine Distribution


UK: Balancing Private Label Pressures and Premium Wine Distribution in a Complex Route to Market