Advisory to Private Investors in Wine, Spirits, and Mineral Water

Multiple advisory projects were developed for private investors in Latin America, focusing on the Wine, Spirits, and Non-Alcoholic Beverage sectors:

• Guided private investors in the creation of an importer and distributor for Champagne, premium Wine, and Spirits. The engagement included evaluation, negotiations, market positioning, mapping the competitive landscape, and defining the Route to Market.

• Provided strategic options and valuation for the shareholders of a Mineral Water business, helping them explore potential growth or exit strategies. The engagement included evaluating the stand-alone business and potential sale value

• Played a key advisory role in the valuation, due diligence and acquisition process of a premium Spirits brand for a leading distributor, aligning the business for future market opportunities.

These projects were instrumental in helping investors navigate complex markets and unlock new business opportunities across Latin America.


Advisory to a PE Fund entering the Wine industry in Europe


M&A: Valuation and Sale of a Leading Brewery